May 8-18 we are holding a Read-a-thon, and we really need everyone to participate.
The ultimate purpose of this event is to encourage reading as a habit, and it's free for all students to participate in the reading program. Helping us raise funds will earn your reader prizes. If you have not already activated your reader's account, please click on this link to activate your reader’s personal page: https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/mALyGY
Activation takes less than a minute. Just by doing so you can help us meet our fundraising goal to buy a book vending machine for our school. It would allow our kids to earn tokens to retrieve books for their personal home library. Thanks to your generosity, we are already 1/5 closer to our goal of $6500. It would be amazing to reach the goal in one fundraiser.
If you know of a business interested in sponsoring the event with advertisement provided, the link is www.read-a-thon.com/donate (code 53101) to reserve a business sponsorship spot.
Thank you so much on behalf of the Overton Elementary Library,
OISD Librarian Irena Hedrick